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Title Specific Email List

Title Specific Email List service allows you to identify customers based on their job title. Our database has the contact information categorized based on different levels of business profiles, such as Sales and Marketing level, President level, VP-level, C-level, Manager level and much more. You can choose from this dedicated category of job levels and find the potential customers you are looking for.

Job Title Specific Mailing Lists
  • All C-level executives List - CEO, CFO, CIO, CTO, CMO, CISO, CSO, COO, CNO etc.
  • All Key decision makers List - All C-level, VP level, Director level executives etc.
  • All HR Executives List - VP of HR, HR Director & HR Manager etc.
  • All Marketing Executives List - CMO, VP of Marketing, Director of Marketing, Marketing Manager, Marketing officer, Marketing Specialist, Marketing Coordinator etc.
  • All IT Executives List - CIO, CTO, CISO, IT-VP, IT-Director, IT Manager, MIS Manager etc.
  • All Finance Executives List - CFO, VP of Finance, Director of Finance, Finance Manager, Controller, Treasurer etc.
  • All Healthcare Executives List - C/V/D/Manager contacts & Physicians/Doctors/Nurses etc.
  • All Customer Service Executives List - VP of Customer service/Support/Relation, Direct of Customer service/Support/Relation, Manager of Customer service/Support/Relation etc.
  • Planners, Environment, benefit, accounts, merchandise or any other titles and all other titles.
  • Enable personalized messages.
  • Generates better response.
  • Enable segmentation of your marketing database.
  • Improve your conversion rates and ROI.